This legendary 1975 TV horror anthology boasts two solid tales...and one genuinely nightmare-inducing little masterpiece.
Featuring Black as the lead in each vignette, the first two yarns are satisying enough:
Julie concerns a 'black widow' schoolteacher who lures frisky young men to their untimely deaths.
Next up, Millicent and Therese tells of a schizophrenic Black who has two different personalities battling for dominion, one a withdrawn bookworm and the other a wildly extroverted nymphomaniac.
But, of course, the notorious final segment is the best: Amelia is a deliciously manic roller coaster ride about a Zuni fetish doll that comes to life and terrorizes a hapless Black alone in her apartment.
A no holds barred mano a mano showdown between Black and the killer doll, Amelia is a sheer blast.
Kudos to Karen for three - make that four - excellent performances; she complements the superior screenplay from Richard Matheson and assured direction from Dan Curtis.
Trilogy is a must see.
Curtis also directed the followup Trilogy of Terror II in 1996.