06 January 2025
Superstition (1982)
85 min.
Directed by James W. Roberson.
With James Houghton, Albert Salmi, Lynn Carlin, Larry Pennell, Jacqueline Hyde, Maylo McCashlin, Heidi Bohay, Billy Jacoby.
A sometimes feisty, but disappointing haunted house horror.

It's 1692, and a supposed witch - accused of being the "daughter of Satan" - is drowned to death at Black Pond. As she goes down, she swears vengeance on her hateful prosecutors.

Flash forward nearly three centuries: Reverend George Leahy (Pennell) and his family take up residence in the old Sharack house on Mill Road near where the witch was executed.

But no sooner can you say "Salem!," a series of gruesome murders begin to take place in and around the joint. And the Leahys find their new digs are under the thrall of the witch's curse.

An inspector (Salmi) and a priest (Houghton) hope to stop the madness before it claims more victims. But how successful will they be?

A swollen bodycount, a handful of feisty gore moments, and an utter disregard for plotting highlight this otherwise uninvolving bore, which culminates in lots of screaming and blood.

There's some inventive deaths, which will surely delight genre fans, but the haphazard pacing and lame acting are too much to ignore.

Helpful suggestion? Stick to the first two Amityville movies instead.

Also known as The Witch.

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