28 March 2025
Movie House Massacre (1984)
75 min.
Directed by Alice Raley.
With Mary Woronov, Jonathan Blakely, Lynne Darcy, Joni Barnes, Sam Bowe, Kim Clayton.
Suspense free slasher dreck.

An abandoned old theatre is reopened as part of the Spotlite movie house chain. But soon the cinema's new manager and staff find the place is haunted by evil vibes.

Turns out a proprietor from the past massacred everyone in the joint...and he's ready for fresh meat.

This bonafide bore is 100% incompetent and yields no surprises; one by one the cast deliver a lifeless performance (especially lead dud Darcy as Tonya Harding lookalike Jennifer).

There's some truly enthusiastic overacting by the bitchy Selena, which manages a titter here and there.

But otherwise all but the most adventurous should probably avoid this flaccid (and basically bloodless) drivel.

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