21 October 2024
A Killer in Every Corner (1974)
73 min.
Directed by Malcolm Taylor.
With Joanna Pettet, Patrick Magee, Max Wall, Eric Flynn, Don Henderson, Petra Markham, Peter Settelen.
Behavioral conditioning gone mad!

University professor Carnaby (Magee) invites three university students to his home for an informal psychology conference...but soon someone begins stalking the unsuspecting trio one by one.

And survival is not a passing grade!

Turns out its all part of the warped instructor's experiments on "deviant modification," but who can be trusted? And which psycho is the most dangerous?

Horror regular Magee lends an air of rather elegant class to this moderate telethriller, while the pretty but confident Pettet is good as the final girl.

Best scene: Pettet's frantic chase at the climax from - not one - but three bonafide nutcases.

One of many terrors written by Brian Clemens for the Thriller television series.

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