This third installment in the Omen series manages to keep its head above water...most of the time.
Sam Neill is good as the now-grown Damien, who is primed and in position to take over the world.
In the midst of a terrible global recession, Damien's first stop is being appointed Ambassador of England. Backed by a wealthy, far-reaching group of powerful behind-the-scenes satanists, Damien's ultimate goal is the Presidency of the United States. Will he make it?
Meanwhile, a supposed Christ-child has been rumored to have been born somewhere in England. Damien orders all infant boys born on that telltale day be brutally murdered.
At the same time, a group of (largely) inept monks try to snuff out the adult Damien by using those special, spirited daggers ('memba those?).
We won't tell you who wins. This is worth a watch and isn't as bad as you might think, although certainly it's a far cry from the 1976 original, both in spirit and theme.