28 March 2025
American Nightmare (1983)
88 min.
Directed by Don McBrearty.
With Lora Staley, Lawrence Day, Lenore Zann, Michael Ironside, Larry Aubrey, Paul Bradley, Michael Copeman, Neil Dainard, Page Fletcher, Alexandra Paul, Claudia Udy.
When a young woman flirting with the seedy urban underworld goes missing, her brother (Day) arrives to investigate.

What he finds is a hotbed of prostitutes, strippers, a cross dresser...and a killer wearing surgical gloves dispatching the aforementioned with a razor.

This 1981-filmed Canadian slasher-cum-mystery is a solid, worthwhile effort, the sleazy neon settings providing just the right atmosphere for the "moralist" killer.

A few nice death sequences punctuate the plot. Day and Staley are good as the leads, Zann and the underused Ironside (both in Visiting Hours) lend support.

Music by Paul Zaza.

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